SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG Newsfeed Newsfeed von SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG de_DE SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG GmbH Wed, 15 May 2024 18:12:39 +0200 Wed, 15 May 2024 18:12:39 +0200 TYPO3 EXT:news news-1158 Fri, 16 Feb 2024 10:29:42 +0100 Award for sustainable exhibition booth SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG receives gold status SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG has been awarded Gold status by the organisers of Pharmapack for its reusable and modular booth concept. The exhibition booth, which consists of modules in the form of wall systems with graphics, can be flexibly adapted to different requirements and room sizes. As a medium-sized family business, the company has been committed to sustainability for many decades. In all work processes, emphasis is therefore placed on environmentally conscious behaviour and the conservation of resources through the use of recyclable materials in order to reduce the CO2 footprint.

news-1154 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 09:39:29 +0100 SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG as exhibitor at the Pharmapack in Paris Pharmapack | 24 - 25 January 2024 | Paris Expo | exhibition stand J69 Visit us at Pharmapack in Paris from 24 - 25 January 2024 and see our innovative technologies and products for medical technology for yourself.

Further information is available at:

news-1151 Tue, 17 Oct 2023 11:11:32 +0200 InnovationForum Medical Technology SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG represented as exhibitor Find out what's new in the medical technology sector at the InnovationForum on 19 October 2023!

Place: Stadthalle Tuttlingen, exhibition stand K3
Time: from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

We are looking forward to your visit! 

Further information at:

news-1148 Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:02:00 +0200 SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG at Blechexpo 16th Blechexpo | 7 to 10 November 2023 | Messe Stuttgart Visit our stand in Hall 6, Booth 6206 at the Blechexpo in Stuttgart and find out about our exciting products and innovative technologies for metal and plastics. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Further info under:

news-1137 Tue, 08 Nov 2022 16:29:09 +0100 Another image award of the news agency Die WELT SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG is one of Germany's best employers and training companies SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG is once again among "Germany's Best Employers" on the basis of a current population survey. A total of 3,906 companies from the service, trade and industry sectors were examined. SH has received this award for the fourth time in a row.

For the second time, SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG has been awarded the title of "Germany's Best Training Company". In cooperation with the daily newspaper Die WELT, the analysis institute ServiceValue examined 3,984 training companies (enterprises) from the service, trade and industry sectors as part of a broad-based population survey.

news-1128 Wed, 08 Dec 2021 14:25:05 +0100 German employers with best reputation – SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG is one of them This year SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG was again awarded by Germany´s renown professional journal „WELT“ as one of „Germany´s best employers 2021“. The companies, having earned their reputation as currenly being especially attractive, had been selected in close cooperation of the rating agency „ServiceValue“ (having its seat in Cologne/Germany) and the journal „WELT“, within a vast and nationwide survey of the German active population. Within aforesaid study „Germany´s best Employers 2021“, 3953 companies in total had been assessed by the German citizens regarding their image as Employers. SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG itself received aforesaid award for the third time in a row now!

In 2021 SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG for the first was also awarded with the title „Germany´s best apprenticeship employers“ by the journal „WELT“. During the current analysis, about 700.000 citizens had been asked towards the image and attractiveness of apprenticeship employers. According to them, SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG is to be considered as one of the best companies in Germany within the category „Germany´s best apprenticeship employers“!

news-1068 Wed, 27 Jun 2018 17:42:00 +0200 SH at STANZTEC 2018 Das Hainstadter Unternehmen SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG präsentierte sich vom 19. bis 21. Juni 2018 an der STANZTEC, internationale Fachmesse für die Stanztechnik, in Pforzheim.Die STANZTEC ist die weltweit einzige spezialisierte Fachmesse rund um die Hochleistungs-Stanztechnik. Im 2-Jahresrhythmus findet die branchenspezifische Veranstaltung in Pforzheim statt und gilt als wichtigster Treffpunkt für stanztechnische Lösungen. SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG nahm bereits zum 6. Mal an der STANZTEC teil als einer von rund 150 ausgewählten Branchen-Spezialisten. Auf kleinstem Raum und bei hochsommerlichen Temperaturen konnten sich die ca. 3.400 Fachbesucher einen konzentrierten Überblick zur Stanztechnologie verschaffen. Die STANZTEC bietet dank ihrer Fokussierung auf das Kernthema Stanztechnik die ideale Plattform für den Fachbesucher. Neue Technologien, Trends am Markt und ein umfassendes Produktspektrum ermöglichten informative Gespräche zwischen Besuchern und Ausstellern Trends, die auch an der Stanztechnik-Branche nicht vorbeigehen, sind Themen wie fortschreitende Vernetzung von Prozessen, Funktionsintegration und Automatisierungslösungen. Diese Messe ist ein Spezialbranchentreff, bei dem die Besucher konkrete Projektanfragen dabei haben und nach Lösungen suchen, die sie dort bei den ausstellenden Spezialisten finden.



SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG präsentierte sich an der STANZTEC erstmalig im neuen Look. Bereits Anfang des Jahres wurde der Relaunch des Markenauftritts mit der Neugestaltung der Unternehmenswebsite umgesetzt. Mit der Erweiterung der Technologiekompetenz von Metall hin zur inhouse Fertigung von Hybridbauteilen aus Metall und Kunststoff wurde der bisherige Claim „Metall in Bestform“ dem Unternehmen nicht mehr gerecht. Der neue Claim „Performing Perfection“ zeigt das Versprechen, das SH Kunden und Geschäftspartnern gibt für Produkte und Dienstleistungen: Perfektion bis ins kleinste Detail. Der technologische Fortschritt wurde nun sichtbar gemacht. Die STANZTEC war die Plattform für den neuen Messeauftritt von SH im frisch gestalteten Standdesign. Außerdem wurde den Besuchern die neu konzipierte Imagebroschüre vorgestellt.

SH erweitert sein Technologie-Portfolio mit Stanzpaketieren

SH konnte während der Messelaufzeit vielen bestehenden und potenziellen Kunden das umfangreiche Produktportfolio an Baugruppen aus Metall und Kunststoff, Stanzbiegeteilen und Federn zeigen. Als Technologieführer der Umformbranche standen bei SH verschiedene Innovationen besonders im Fokus der Fachbesucher. Die innovativen Entwicklungen greifen dabei aktuelle Branchenthemen auf und setzen sie umformtechnisch um. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die neu ins Portfolio aufgenommene Technologie des Stanzpaketierens.

Erstmalig wurde mittels dieser neuen Technologie ein Bauteil aus dem Produktbereich Elektromotor entwickelt. Für dieses Produkt werden beispielsweise 23 identische Teile in einem einstufigen Fertigungsprozess aus Elektroblech präzise gestanzt und anschließend automatisiert in einem Paket mittels Prägekonturen verbunden. Diese Stanzpakete finden ihre Verwendung ua in Spulen für den Elektromotor und werden in hoher Hubzahl mit geringer Fertigungsdauer produziert. Der zunehmende Bedarf an Elektromotoren in allen Branchen mit seinen spezifischen Anforderungen an Effizienz, Ressourcenverbrauch und Kosten bedarf einer kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung von Fertigungsmöglichkeiten. Das Stanzpaket hat im Bauteil einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die elektrischen, magnetischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften des Elektromotors und sollte in seiner Komplexität nicht unterschätzt werden. Das Know-how von SH in der neuen Fertigungstechnologie Stanzpaketieren bietet den Kunden ein noch breiteres Spektrum an innovativen Lösungsmöglichkeiten.

SH stellt sich der Herausforderung, seinen Kunden für deren hochanspruchsvolle Anwendungen hochpräzise Komponenten und optimale Prozesse zur Verfügung zu stellen und konnte die Fachbesucher der STANZTEC als Fortschrittstreiber der Branche überzeugen.

news-1013 Thu, 19 Apr 2018 17:42:00 +0200 SH at MEDTEC 2018 Das Hainstadter Unternehmen SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG präsentierte sich an der MEDTEC Europe, internationale Fachmesse der Medizintechnik, in Stuttgart. Vom 17. bis 19. April 2018 kam dort die Medizintechnik-Branche zusammen, um sich über neue Entwicklungen im Markt auszutauschen. Zum 12. Mal zeigte SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG sein Produktportfolio, Technologien und Innovationen auf einer der größten europäischen Veranstaltungen im Bereich der Medizintechnik. Gemeinsam mit ca. 500 Ausstellern nutzte SH die zentrale Plattform der Messe, um sich als Technologieführer der Metallumformung zu präsentieren. Die MEDTEC wird es allerdings im nächsten Jahr in der langjährigen Art nicht mehr geben. Kurz vor Messestart teilte der Veranstalter mit, dass die MEDTEC mit einer weiteren Veranstaltung der Medizintechnik kooperieren werde und somit nächstes Jahr unter neuem Namen in Nürnberg stattfinden wird.


SH liefert zuverlässige und sichere Produktlösungen für hochsensible Anforderungen

Internationale Größen der Medizintechnik Branche nehmen in den letzten Jahren bei SH erfreulicherweise einen immer höheren Stellenwert im Kunden-Portfolio ein. Für den Medtech-Markt produziert SH anspruchsvolle Baugruppen in Millionenstückzahlen, die sich beispielsweise in Inhalatoren, Insulin-Pens, Blutzuckermessgeräten, Hörgeräten, Notfall-Pens oder Dialysegeräten wiederfinden. SH liefert für die hochsensiblen Anforderungen zuverlässige und sichere Produktlösungen. Die Kundenzufriedenheit spiegelt sich zum Beispiel in einem aktuellen Projekt der Medizintechnik Branche wider, bei dem SH aufgrund einer starken Volumenerhöhung des Kunden die bereits existierende Fertigungslinie um eine zweite Linie mit Sauberzelt erweitert. Die entwickelte Metallfeder wird in einem Inhalator verbaut. Das hochpräzise und höchsten Sauberkeitskriterien entsprechende Produkt wird mittels automatisiertem Fertigungsprozess hergestellt. Direkt nach dem Stanzprozess werden die Teile im Sauberzelt inline gereinigt und verpackt.


Inhouse-Kunststoffspritzen erweitert das SH-Portfolio

Seinen Kunden präsentiert sich SH als Anbieter für Komplettlösungen. Die Erweiterung des SH Produktportfolios der Metallumformung um die interne Produktion von Kunststoffteilen ermöglicht eine effiziente Gestaltung der Prozesskette bei der Herstellung von Baugruppen aus Metall- und Kunststoffprodukten und wird das Image im Markt als innovativer Partner branchenübergreifend ausbauen.

news-1017 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:07:00 +0100 SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG Make a Splash with New Developments The forming specialist exhibited at two trade fairs for the automotive and medical technology industries The firm of SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG based in the Hainstadt borough of Buchen, Germany, which has specialised in metal and plastic forming, took part in two international industry events in November: BLECHEXPO, a trade fair that mainly focuses on the automotive sector, and COMPAMED, which is devoted to medical technology.

BLECHEXPO took place in Stuttgart, Germany between the 7th and 10th of November. It is the world’s second-largest trade fair for sheet metal working and processing and a major forum for the entire spectrum of firms active in this field. This time more than 1,300 exhibitors, including all large market leaders, attracted trade visitors from around the globe.

SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG (SH) showcased their entire product portfolio, including stamped and stamped + bent parts, springs and assemblies made of metal and plastic, as well as innovations developed in-house.


Innovative Ideas for the Automotive Industry

SH draw upon current and future industry themes, ideas and trends for developing and implementing trailblazing new products. Amongst other things, the firm presented an innovative project which it conducted for electric vehicles. Recent trends such as electric and hybrid drive technologies are confronting component producers with new challenges. An international automotive supplier, itself one of the leading specialists for bespoke high-voltage solutions, turned to SH’s experts with an idea for a completely new high-voltage connector. This collaboration led to the development of four components for installation in a latest-generation clutch system. Hybrid process technologies are also playing an increasingly important role at SH, and these highly sophisticated products – two stamped + bent components, an assembly and a plastic part – are now being efficiently manufactured in fully automated processes that include joining metal and plastic parts.

The news that SH have expanded their technical competencies in metal forming to include in-house plastic production has sparked great interest across industries. The firm’s product portfolio has included hybrid assemblies which integrate both metal and plastic parts for many years. In-house implementation of a complete process chain for metal forming in conjunction with plastics was therefore the logical next step in establishing SH as a complete solutions provider.


Large Portfolio for Medical Technology

A week after BLECHEXPO, SH participated in COMPAMED, which took place in Düsseldorf parallel to MEDICA 2017, the world’s largest trade fair for the medical industry. It featured makers of components, precursor products and raw materials for medical products, including a wide variety of high-tech solutions for use in medical technology.

SH also took advantage of this platform to acquaint trade visitors with their product portfolio. The firm has been supplying customised products to major global players in the field of medical technology for more than ten years. Millions of assemblies, stamped + bent parts and springs from SH are used in a wide range of products such as blood glucose meters, insulin pens, inhalers and hearing aids. The latest additions include a safety product: a protective cap for disposable syringes. The firm has also worked with another customer to develop two products for an epinephrine auto-injector for treating anaphylaxis, the annual demand for which exceeds 10 million units. This auto-injector is a life-saving companion for individuals with severe allergies. The activation mechanism, which contains both of the components produced by SH, performs a crucial life-saving function.

SH accepts the challenge of providing customers with suitable components and processes for their extremely demanding applications. 100% of safety-relevant products for meeting highly sensitive requirements are monitored and checked throughout production. SH integrate a wide diversity of forming technologies and various product post-treatments in a highly automated manufacturing process, which naturally also includes individual packaging under sterile conditions in a cleanroom. Customised product testing, also for microbiological contamination, is standard. All this ensures that SH’s customers receive optimal products which meet extremely exacting expectations.

By exhibiting at BLECHEXPO and COMPAMED, the Hainburg, Germany-based company attracted considerable attention to its product portfolio and expertise. SH also succeeded in reinforcing its reputation as a major innovation driver in international markets.

news-1016 Tue, 14 Nov 2017 10:02:00 +0100 SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG Confirmed as a Premium Supplier of CONTINENTAL and SCHAEFFLER SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG’s status as one of Continental’s and Schaeffler’s best suppliers worldwide has been reaffirmed, as was announced at the 4th “Premium Supplier Day” in Frankfurt. This is the second time that the Hainstadt, Germany-based firm has received this honour. Continental and Schaeffler, which operate an international corporate alliance employing a total of over 300,000 staff, are the heavyweights of the global automotive supply industry. To be ready to meet future challenges like those posed by self-driving and electric vehicles, they are working hard to achieve even closer collaboration with their own suppliers, which number more than 8,000. Continental and Schaeffler have identified 1,200 of these as strategically important. In addition, every two years 32 of them are singled out for their exceptional quality and assigned to a “Premium Supplier Circle”, which constitutes an especially great honour. SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG have now been selected for the second time (the first was in 2015), thus confirming that this company based in the Hainstadt borough of Buchen, Germany is technologically fit for the future. The forming specialist has met the demanding criteria for joining and remaining in this elite group by demonstrating a high level of quality, reliability and global competitiveness in an industry that is characterised by steadily increasing expectations.

The certificate for excellent performance in the stamping category was presented to Silke Heilig of SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG’s management board and sales head Thomas Böhm in a ceremony held in Frankfurt. This photograph shows them together with the purchasing executives of Continental und Schaeffler.

news-1018 Thu, 06 Apr 2017 10:10:00 +0200 SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG at MEDTEC Europe The firm of SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG, based in Hainstadt, Germany, very successfully presented itself at MEDTEC Europe in Stuttgart. This specialised trade fair ranks amongst the largest European events in the field of medical technology. Between the 4th and 6th of April 2017, this entire industry came together to showcase new products and share information on current market trends. It was the eleventh time that SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG (SH), the international technology leader in metal forming, presented its product portfolio, technologies and recent innovations at MEDTEC Europe.


Trend Towards Bespoke Products and Miniaturisation

Global players in medical technology, including Sanofi, Gerresheimer and Roche, are playing increasingly important roles in SH’s customer base. SH produces millions of sophisticated assemblies for the international market, including components for inhalers, insulin pens, blood glucose meters, hearing aids and dialysis equipment. And the demand for specially developed products is growing steadily. The customer-specific assemblies made by SH must satisfy very exacting requirements in respect of quality and safety to permit their daily use by patients with chronic ailments. This calls for safe, reliable solutions. In this context, SH naturally also offer clients the value-adding service of individual sterile packaging in a cleanroom.

Today the technical cleanliness of parts isn’t only important for medical technology; it also matters to customers in the electrical, electronics and automotive industries. SH have therefore installed an additional cleanroom for production and packaging and invested in testing equipment for meeting special requirements. More than anything else, the future of medical technology lies in increasing product miniaturisation. There is also a growing need for networked and digitised products for medical uses.


Plastic Syringes Produced In-House Extend SH’s Portfolio

At MEDTEC Europe, SH also displayed their enlarged in-house production capabilities, which now also extend to plastic syringes. This addition to the firm’s metal forming strengths now makes it possible to offer customers the right solutions for virtually all products. In-house production of plastic parts in Hainstadt, Germany enables efficient process chains for creating hybrid metal-and-plastic assemblies. SH can therefore offer complete solutions, thus additionally enhancing its reputation as an innovative partner to the medical technology industry.

The forming specialist is very satisfied with what it achieved by exhibiting at MEDTEC Europe: visitors responded very positively to its innovative new approaches and wide-ranging product portfolio.

news-998 Mon, 17 Oct 2016 00:00:00 +0200 Resource Efficiency Award for SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG Along with 99 other companies, SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG have received an award for outstanding solutions to improve resource efficiency. The importance of conserving resources is growing steadily. For most products, firms need a reliable and affordable supply of raw materials in order to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace while minimising environmental burdens. Efficient production processes, state-of-the-art technologies and innovative ideas are all essential ingredients for their success.

In 2014, the government of the German state of Baden-Württemberg decided to develop a strategy for fostering resource efficiency. The idea that crystallised was for various business associations and the state government to launch an Alliance for Greater Resource Efficiency. This then organised an initiative entitled “100 Firms for Resource Efficiency”. Applications were accepted from manufacturing firms operating in the state which had successfully implemented measures to use energy and/or materials more efficiently.

SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG submitted a solution which it had developed and installed for “saving energy by timed power-down of peripheral equipment in standby mode”. Earlier, in 2012, SH had already become one of the state’s first 50 firms to obtain certification under the DIN ISO 50001 energy management standard. The company defined energy saving targets in its corporate policies, which led to concrete action to improve sustainability. One such measure was the project submitted to the Alliance. Metal forming firms, which consume a great deal of electric power, have considerable potential for improving their energy efficiency.

The first step for reducing power consumption was to hold training courses for staff in which they learnt how to save energy, for example by completely switching off unused equipment (systems and machine peripherals in standby mode). It was then possible to tap additional savings potential by implementing an automated technical solution for controlled power-down of presses. At SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG, an “energy management team” is responsible for conducting various projects of this kind. Its members analysed the situation and drew up an action plan for automatic shutdown of equipment. Within just a few weeks, all of the firm’s eccentric-drive stamping presses were fitted with time-delay and logic relays, as a result of which SH now save more than 300,000kWh annually. This translates into about 180,000kg less CO2 emissions emitted into the earth’s atmosphere each year. The measures paid for themselves in only three months.

The winning firms were presented at the “Baden-Württemberg Resource Efficiency Congress” in Karlsruhe on October 5th, 2016. The state’s governor, Winfried Kretschmann, opened the event and congratulated the companies for their exemplary accomplishments. He stressed the great importance that the government of Baden-Württemberg attaches to this topic and emphasised “resource efficiency as a guiding principle of political action”. The state’s environmental minister, Franz Untersteller, also praised the companies and presented the official award document to SH’s managing director, Steffen Scheuermann, and Andreas Ehrenfried, the firm’s officer for environmental protection, energy management and occupational safety. SCHEUERMANN + HEILIG also received the sum of 10,000 euros, which is being spent on additional measures to conserve energy.
